Co powtórzyć? Co muszę umieć, żeby osiągnąć dobry wynik? Jakie czasy powtórzyć przed testem? Jakie słówka trzeba znać? Jaki poziom językowy sprawdza egzamin ósmoklasisty? Mnóstwo pytań, czas na nie odpowiedzieć.

Co powtórzyć?

1. Czasowniki

Czasownik “to be”

I am a musician.

Are you a teacher?

She is not happy. 

Czasowniki “have” i “have got”

She has a blue car.

Do you have a blue car?

I don’t have a blue car.

She has got many interests.

Have you got many interest?

He hasn’t got many interests.

Czasowniki “have” i “have got”

She has a blue car.

Do you have a blue car?

I don’t have a blue car.

She has got many interests.

Have you got many interest?

He hasn’t got many interests.

Czasowniki modalne

I can ride a bike.

Could you say that again?

May I leave the table?

I must go now.

You should see your doctor.

Must/musn’t/have to

I must remember to call Tom.

You musn’t run in the building.

You have to start studying now!

Konstrukcja “would like to”

I would like to buy a new bike.

Konstrukcja “let’s”

Let’s meet on Sunday.

Konstrukcje „there is/are”, „there was/were”

There are trees in the garden.

Is there a table in the living room?

There weren’t many people at the concert.

There was a student in the classroom.

Tryb rozkazujący

Don’t run!

Go home!

Czasowniki łączące się czasownikiem w formie bezokolicznika lub ciągłej

I enjoy listening to music.

She decided to invite my brother to her party.

Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne

Fly – flew – flown

Work – worked – worked

Czasowniki frazowe

We have ran out of milk.

Calm down and tell me what happened.

2. Rzeczowniki

Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne i użycie much, many, some, any z rzeczownikami

There are five trees.

There is some sugar.

Liczba mnoga regularna i nieregularna.

1 dog – 2 dogs

1 child – 2 children

3. Przymiotniki

Stopniowanie regularne i nieregularne przymiotników

This bedroom is as big as the other one.

I am older than you.

This is the most expensive bike.

He is the tallest person in the world.

Przymiotniki z końcówkami –ed i –ing

I am disappointed.

The concert was disappointing.

Przymiotniki dzierżawcze

This is my dog.

His books are new.

4. Przedimki


a cat, an orange


the USA, the sun


dogs, lunch

5. Zaimki

Zaimki osobowe (podmiot)

I like oranges.

Do you remeber Tom?

She works every day.

He loves Mary.

It is a big dog.

We are stressed.

You can’t drive a car.

Are they running now?

Zaimki osobowe (dopełnienie)

She likes me.

I want to travel with you.

I like her.

She likes him.

I saw it yesterday.

Come with us.

We saw them on the street.

Zaimki dzierżawcze z rzeczownikiem i bez rzeczownika.

This is my dog. It’s mine.

Your cat is snoring. The cat that is snoring is yours.

This is her car. It’s hers.

This is his phone. This phone is his.

The cat played with its toy.

This is our garden. It’s ours.

Their car is blue. The blue car is theirs.

Zaimki zwrotne

I’ve cut myself.

You hurt yourself while playing football.

Your brother can look after himself.

She introduced herself to the class.

We are enjoying ourselves.

You love yourselves.

They are taking photos of themselves.

Zaimki wskazujące

This is a cat.

That is a cat.

These are cats.

Those are cats.

Zaimki względne

This is the book which I bought yesterday.

The man who is playing tennis is my brother.

She is the girl that I told you about.

This is the place where they serve the best pie.

I know the reason why she is sad.

Zaimki pytające

What is your favourite colour?

Whose phone is it?

Who did they invite to the party?

When did she lose her keys?

How can I get from here to there?

She doesn’t know with whom will she go to the party.

Which one do you want?

Zaimki nieokreślone

Is there anyone there?

“With your love, nobody can drag me down”

There is nothing for you to do.

Somebody help me!


6. Przysłówki


Stopniowanie przysłówków

She paints as badly as I do.

Tim sings worse than his wife.

Sue jumped the highest.

Przysłówki “too” i “enough”

This room is not large enough.

It’s too small!

7. Przyimki

Przyimki czasu

I woke up at 9 o’clock yesterday.

I go swimming on Mondays.

We surf in summer.

Can I borrow it for 10 minutes?

He has played since 2008.

It’s open from Monday to Friday.

We work from nine till five.

Let’s meet after school.

We are supposed to finish this project by Friday.

Przyimki miejsca

The book is on the desk.

She is at school.

The cat is in the box.

I live near the park.

The chair is next to the window.

It’s under the bed.

Look at the picture below the text.

The poster is above the desk.

There is a traitor among us.

I’m standing in front of the mirror.

He is hiding behind the door.

Your car is opposite the big tree.

There is a cat between the sofa and the armchair.

Przyimki ruchu

Scroll down the page.

Go up the hill!

A road through the village.

Go past the bank.

You can walk along the beach.

The cat is jumping over the fence.

Get into the car!

He jumped out of the box.

Don’t swim across the lake!

We are driving towards London.

She’s walking around the room.

Przyimki przyczyny i sposobu

I started doing sports to lose weight.

Can I get there by car?

Open the door with a key…


8. Spójniki


I can dance and sing.

He is short but very fast.

His music was strange, yet intriguing.

I know that she hates me.

I have no idea how to do it.

He is neither tall nor fast.

You can drink either hot or cold tea.

Listen to the teacher when she speaks!

While I was watching TV, the phone rang.

You can drink coffee or tea.

Tom can play both piano and guitar.

Do as I say!

Do like I say!


9. Dopełniacz saksoński

This is Anna’s dog.

It is boys room.

Can you see Ann and Tom’s car?

This is the amount of money you need.


10. Strona bierna

This was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

This computer is repaired once a month.

I think we are being watched now!


11. Mowa zależna

I am so thirsty – said Mary.

Mary said (that) she was very thirsty.

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