Egzamin ósmoklasisty – szybka powtórka

Co powtórzyć? Co muszę umieć, żeby osiągnąć dobry wynik? Jakie czasy powtórzyć przed testem? Jakie słówka trzeba znać? Jaki poziom językowy sprawdza egzamin ósmoklasisty? Mnóstwo pytań, niewiele odpowiedzi. Zacznijmy od początku.

Poziom egzaminu na moment publikacji tego tekstu to A2/A2+. Voilà!

Co powtórzyć? Zacznijmy od największej bolączki.



1. Present simple


I always eat breakfast at 9 a.m.

She never eats breakfast at 9 a.m.


Do you eat breakfast at 9 a.m.?

Does he eat breakfast at 9 a.m?


You don’t eat breakfast at 9 a.m.

It doesn’t eat breakfast at 9 a.m.

2. Present continuous


I am writing now.

You are writing now.

She is writing at the moment.


Am I writing now?

Are they writing now?

Is he writing now?


I’m not writing now.

They aren’t writing now.

It isn’t writing now.

3. Past simple

I watched TV two hours ago.

She saw him last month.

They were at a party last night.

I was at a party last night.


Where did you watch TV?

When did she see him?

Were you at a party last night?

Was she at a party last night?


She didn’t watch TV two hours ago.

They didn’t watch TV two hours ago.

We weren’t at school last week.

I wasn’t at a party last night.

4. Past continuous

We were eating at 11 p.m. yesterday.

She was eating at 11 p.m. yesterday.


Were they eating at 11 p.m. yesterday?

Was he eating at 11 p.m. yesterday?


I wasn’t eating at 11 p.m. yesterday.

You weren’t eating at 11 p.m. yesterday.

5. Present Perfect

We have just finished doing our homework.

She has just finished doing her homework.


Have I finished doing my homework?

Has he finished doing his homework?


We haven’t finished doing our homework yet.

He hasn’t finished doing his homework yet.

6. Future simple

I will finish my homework tomorrow.

She will finish her homework tomorrow.


Will you help me with my homework?

Will he help with your homework tomorrow?


I won’t finish my homework.

She won’t finish her homework.

7. Konstrukcja “be going to”

I am going to move to London.

She is going to move to London.

We are going to move to London.


Are they going to move to London?

Is he going to move to London?

Am I going to move to London?


I’m not going to move to London.

They aren’t going to move to London.

She isn’t going to move to London.

Tutaj możesz sprawdzić, jakie części mowy i konstrukcje powinieneś znać na egzamin ósmoklasisty, a tutaj znajdziesz ogólny zbiór słownictwa.

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